CAN YOU SPARE AN HOUR FOR YOU? How many hours are there in a day? Easy, 24.  24 hours in a day, and yet many moms still can’t find the time to take care of their health. They  take care of their children; they make sure they get enough hours of sleep,...
Personal Trainer or Friend?

Personal Trainer or Friend?

A huge part of being a successful trainer is getting to know your clients. Like any relationship, you should genuinely care about the person and have their best interest at heart. A good trainer builds relationships with their clients by getting to know them. They ask...
Every BODY is beautiful

Every BODY is beautiful

As a trainer, Shape by Shani embraces health at every size. It doesn’t matter what size you are; XL, XXL, S, M…. you are beautiful anyway. If you have a hard time believing that, try these suggestions: Love your body as it is. Accept your size.Adopt...